moving towards the goal

moving towards the goal

2018, Sep 13    

Doing awesome things

  1. Read 2 books a month meaning 24 books in the year
  2. Produce at least 10 times as much code as I wrote last year
  3. Make a major contribution to at least one haskell code base before the year end
  4. Get back into building compilers (implement the meta2 , lisp , pascal and forth compilers in haskell)
  5. Write at least 2 blog posts per month

Fostering relationships

  • Talk to people more often
  • Have a meeting setup up by the end of the year people should be able to meet without my presence

Travel the continent

  • Back pack all the way to south Africa
  • Take a trip to Europe/Asia will decide which one is more interesting(more details on this to follow)

How do I get here though

  • Getting things done attitude